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Sellers are people too and sometimes they need a break! It may be to take a few days off to go on a well-deserved vacation, a family function, a business trip or a religious holiday. Your fulfilment warehouse may need to close for a day or two, your postal couriers may go on strike or you may run out of stock of items shortly before their stock is being replenished.
Whatever the reason, how is it best to deal with these situations? Putting your shop on “Holiday mode” or declaring the items as out of stock results in an immediate loss of sales and can also cause the listing ranking to drop. This allows your competitors listings to gain traction which further impacts your future sales.
We have a great solution which we at MW Fulfilment Ltd always recommend to our clients. Whenever orders aren’t being shipped on the same or next working day, you may want to update your listings to reflect the additional handling time until orders will be dispatched. This way your listings stay open and active, and while you may see a marginal drop in sales from buyers who don’t want to wait the extra day or two, your sales will continue and your listings will remain prominent.
This can be done by manually adjusting each listing individually however for sellers who have many listings they want to update, this is not a practical option.
Below we have detailed a step by step guide how to bulk delay dispatch times on both Amazon and eBay in minutes. Enjoy!
On Seller Central page, hover over “Inventory” tab and click “Inventory Reports”.
After Selecting “Inventory Report” click “Request Report” and once ready, Download and open the report.
On Seller Central page, hover over the “Inventory” tab and click “Add Products via Upload”.
Select tab “Download an Inventory File”. On the right of the page under “Related Topics” click “Inventory File Templates”.
Scroll down and select “Price & Quantity Update”.
Copy all the SKU’s you wish to delay the dispatch for & their quantities from the Inventory Report to the Price & Quantity file. In column “leadtime-to-ship” write number of working days until orders will be dispatched.
Save as “Text (Tab delimited)” and go back to “Add Products via Upload” page.
Select “Upload your Inventory File” tab & in “Step 2” select File type “Price & Quantity File”. Choose your Text (Tab delimited) file & click “Upload”. Your listings will update within minutes and you're done!
Go to Seller Manager or (Seller Manager Pro) and click on the "Listings" tab.
Click on “Edit” tab just above the list of listings and select “Edit all “qty” listings” or manually select the listings you wish to update.
Click “Edit fields” and select “Dispatch time”.
Change to necessary number of working days.
Save & Submit changes and you're done!